Best believe Nigerians are generally conscientious—the average Nigerian is very hardworking, ambitious and smart, as reported by several foreign news outlets. Then, why are Nigerians always ferreting to make a living? At one point in 2018, Nigeria was the poverty capital of the world

Poverty is significantly influenced by unemployment. Unemployment and poverty are strongly correlated. It all boils down to the policies adopted by the governing body. The government’s lack of political will to fund youth initiatives like job training programs or educational support services is another issue to consider. 

It is undeniable that today’s youth are the leaders of tomorrow. This implies that when it comes to formulating policies and organising development, young people do not receive the same amount of consideration and resources as other age groups. As a result, they are frequently left out of decision-making processes and society as a whole fails to meet their requirements.

Now that these issues have been identified, how can we address them? We’ll look at some of the most cutting-edge and fascinating ways to earn extra money. These suggestions will set you on the proper course regardless of whether your objective is to accumulate funds for a specific purchase or invest for the future.

How to Earn Extra Income in Nigeria

If you choose a fixed mindset rather than a growth-oriented one, your chances of making that extra money may stagnate rather than improve. It all starts with our mindset. 

It is usually challenging to take the required risks and make the essential judgments if you have a negative or defeatist mentality. This is why changing your perspective is the first step.

There are several other ways to earn extra cash in Nigeria, but today we will be looking at the most potent methods. They include:

Leveraging Your Skills

The secret to using your skills to generate extra income is to recognise your strengths and figure out how to make money from them.

Skills are abilities that can be developed through practice, experience, and education. They entail the capacity to use knowledge in a real-world setting to solve issues. 

Skills can be grouped into hard or soft skills. Hard skills are technical abilities that can be quantified and measured, such as coding or data analysis. Soft skills are interpersonal qualities that help you interact with others effectively, such as communication and problem-solving.

Creating extra income through your skills is a great way to supplement your existing income and pursue new opportunities. There are many ways you can monetise the skills that you already have, such as by offering freelance services or creating products for sale online. This can be achieved through numerous platforms, both offline and online. 


Freelancing is a great way to earn extra cash. You can use freelancing websites such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Guru to find freelance jobs in your area of expertise or interest. 

To get these opportunities, make sure you have a current portfolio that features your finest work before you start looking for employment so that potential employers can get a sense of what you are capable of.


One of the most potent ways to create extra income is through investing. To earn extra income from this, you must first understand the basics of investing and the best types of investment opportunities available to you. 

As a beginner investor, Havvest is a sure bet to get started. It is an easy, flexible and reliable platform that allows you to first choose your investment goals, select the amount you would love to invest and ultimately monitor your investment performance. 

This helps to give consistent returns over time with little effort on your part—ideal for busy young professionals who seek financial stability without having to work long hours every day!

There are countless opportunities available for those willing to take advantage—all while having fun along the way! So don’t wait any longer: start exploring new avenues today and see where they lead you tomorrow!

In conclusion, Nigeria is a country with a lot of potential for earning extra income and there are many creative ways to earn money. No doubt, hard work and dedication play a valid role and anyone can find success by taking advantage of these opportunities.

It is important to remember that it takes time and effort to build up any business venture, but with patience and perseverance, you will be able to reap the rewards of your efforts.

To get started with Havvest to save your extra income to prepare you for rainy days or invest as earlier discussed, Click here to get started!

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